1. What credentials do I need once I have subscribed to a product?
Subscription Key – received upon subscription to a product. It is used for authenticating the number of API calls. For information about subscription keys, refer to point 2
API User and API Key for bearer Oauth 2.0 token. In the sandbox they are self-generated from the APIs. In production these are generated from the partner portal (part of onboarding)
2. What is a subscription Key?
This Key is used to authenticate and limit the number of calls that can be made
The subscription key is assigned to the Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key parameter of the header
The Subscription Key can be found in your user profile
Developers – can use either the Primary Key or Secondary Key for every product they subscribe to allow access to the API
A developer cannot access or utilize any of the respective APIs without a Subscription Key
Different subscription keys can be used for different product APIs; please check in your user profile
3. What is the API User and API Key for Oauth 2.0?
The API User and API Key are used together with your subscription key to grant access to the -wallet system and is applicable to a specific country
The API User and API Key are generated using respective APIs in the sandbox
API user and Key are wholly managed by the merchant through Partner Portal for PRODUCTION setups
Merchants can generate/revoke/refresh API Keys through the Partner Portal
For Sandbox API User and Key is generated using an API
4. How do I generate an Oauth 2.0 token?
You require an API User and API Key in format APIUSER: APIKey e16510xx-7282-4a39-xx8b-da054889a33a:xx1894d23a8d4xxdadaf62f39dae99xx
Convert the concatenation of APIUser: APIKey into Base64 format
Use the Base64 format to generate the authorization token, the result will look similar to this string ZTE2NTEwY2xtNzI4Mi00YTx5LTg5OGItZGEwNTQ4ODlhMzNhOjg1MTg5NGQyM2E4ZDQxMW RhZGFmNxJmMzlkYWU5OcY4
5. How do I create, provision and manage the API user and API key?
Please review Sandbox provisioning process under API Sandbox
The API User and API Key are used to grant access to the wallet system applicable to a specific country
API user and Key are wholly managed by the merchant through Partner Portal in production
Developers can generate or revoke API Keys through the Partner Portal in production
6. How do I generate a UUID for my transactions?
This ID is used, for example, validating the status of the request. ‘Universal Unique ID’ for the transaction generated using UUID version 4
Example of Version 4 UUID: - ca58fd96-2478-4624-b663-bdacd5f914ca
7. I am not getting any callbacks. How do I verify or configure my callback URL?
Check that you have
Registered a ProviderCallbackHost when creating your API User
You have specified a callback URL in the Request
The Callback URL MUST belong to the same domain as the ProvideCallbackHost. Subdomains are not allowed.
If you have specified your ProviderCallbackHost as then the callback URL shall be specified as
Using as callback URL will not work
Callbacks in the sandbox are set by setting the callback host when creating an API user, if my callback URL for traffic is, the callback host is and the callback host is what is set with the user, but the call back URL is used in every request where a callback is expected
In the production environment, the callback is set in the merchant portal and instructions are sent as part of the onboarding documentation
Setting up a Callback URL
Transfer and RequestToPay APIs are Asynchronous in MTN MoMo API Platform
When a merchant system sends a POST of either /transfer, or /requesttopay APIs, the Gateway validates the request and then responds with “202 Accepted”
The transaction is then queued for processing.
Once processed, a callback with the final result of the transaction is sent to the merchant system
In order to receive the callback for your transactions, please consider the following:
a) On Sandbox
Register your callback host by specifying the domain as providerCallbackHost when creating your API Keys. On production this will be done via the Account Portal
Specify the callback URL in each of your /requesttopay or /tranfer POST
Use http and not https on sandbox
Allow PUT & POST on your callback listener host
b) On Production
o After Go-live you will be provided a link to log on to your Accounts Portal
o You will be required to register you callback host on the portal when creating your API keys as shown below
o Only https is allowed on production
o Allow PUT & POST on your callback listener host

The Wallet Platform will only send the callback once. There is no retry on the callback if the Partner system does not respond. A merchant system can, in cases where a callback was not received , poll for the transaction status as described in the GET method
Transfer is used for transferring money from the provider account to a customer.
8. What are the common error codes you may expect?
The error codes are categorized as follows (Common Error Codes, Preapproval Error Codes, RequestToPay Error Codes, Transfer Error Codes and Validate Account Holder Error Codes)
The API User and API Key are used to grant access to the wallet system applicable to a specific country
More information on error codes can be found under the documentation section
9. How do I get support and join the developer community?
Select the “contact support” button
Select a country from the drop-down list
Choose WhatsApp and join the developer group – start chatting
Or connect via Skype
10. What steps do I need to follow go live?
Select the “Go-Live” option on portal
Select Operating country from predefined list to take products Live in that Operating country
Choose a Package and Product set
Provide KYC Information for business owner and business details
Download, complete and submit KYC documents as well as signed contract
Submit documents through the Sandbox Portal for Vetting and Approval
Access to the partner portal granted for you to create the API User and API Key
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